- Zhejiang Zeeno Plastic Packaging Co.,Ltd.
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Главная > Новости компании > ulk-Pack can customize your package for you and your customers
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Новости компании

Laminated or coated fabric
Designed for recycling bags (DFR)
Sift proof designs
Polyethylene, metalized, baffle, & form fit liners
Document pouches
Rope locks
Velcro closure
UN Certification for hazardous materials
Clean room manufacturing for industrial clean applications
BRC Food Grade Standard (for guaranteed contaminate-free bags)
Logo and printing options
Barcodes, traceability & safety labels
Laminated or coated fabric
Designed for recycling bags (DFR)
Sift proof designs
Polyethylene, metalized, baffle, & form fit liners
Document pouches
Rope locks
Velcro closure
UN Certification for hazardous materials
Clean room manufacturing for industrial clean applications
BRC Food Grade Standard (for guaranteed contaminate-free bags)
Logo and printing options
Barcodes, traceability & safety labels
Filter / Dewatering
- Commodity Bulk Bags
Bulk-Pack can customize your package for you and your customers. From various fabrics, product identification (Loop Color, Printing), labeling, liners, sift proofing, and designs, we can offer you an economical solution for your packaging and supply chain needs.
With us being a manufacturer and importer of FIBCs, we can supply you the most simple and complex designs to fit your needs in a timely manner. This includes any additional features such as printing (3 color), color lift loops, standard/form fit/high heat/foil liners, discharge systems, and sift proofing!
4 Panel
Mobile Phone: 86-13802155833
WeChat: 86-13802155833
WhatsApp: 86-13802155833
E-mail: tjwoking@163.com OR ppwovenbagpacksack@gmail.com
Cap Sacks
Polypropylene loops
Polyester loops
Stand up loops
Most colors available
4 loop
Stevedore (polypropylene and rope style)
2 loop (for center pickup)
Sleeve lift
Laminated or coated fabric
Designed for recycling bags (DFR)
Sift proof designs
Polyethylene, metalized, baffle, & form fit liners
Document pouches
Rope locks
Velcro closure
UN Certification for hazardous materials
Clean room manufacturing for industrial clean applications
BRC Food Grade Standard (for guaranteed contaminate-free bags)
Logo and printing options
Barcodes, traceability & safety labels
Type A – Standard Bag
Type B – Low Breakdown Voltage
Type C – Conductive Threads, Grounding Required
Type D – No Grounding Required
UN Rated – Hazardous Materials
Special Application – Non-Standard Fill Materials
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- Пластиковый сетчатый мешок
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