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Zhejiang Zeeno Plastic Packaging Co.,Ltd. AIBot в сетиЭта беседа сгенерирована искусственным интеллектом. Перед совершением транзакции свяжитесь с производителем, чтобы подтвердить информацию.
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Новости компании

Paper With Woven Poly Bag2023-12-19 08:38:04
Paper With Woven Poly Bag

Starting with the same high quality paper used in our Multiwall Division, the paper/woven poly bag is constructed by laminating the printed or non-printed paper to woven polypropylene fabric. Commonly used in seed, fertilizer, malt, food and lawn applications, this is an alternative to the traditional multiwall paper or BOPP bags.

Combining the look and feel of a paper bag with the strength of the woven polypropylene material, the paper/woven poly bag provides customers with another high performance, well priced packaging choice.

  • Capacity: 10-110 lbs.

  • Closure: Top or bottom with;

    • EZ open on closing tape, or 

    • Sewn with closing tape

  • Ink Colors: Up to 10 colors

  • Flat or gusset

  • Gusset: 2-8 inches

  • Face: 9-23 inches

  • Tube: 20-48 inches

  • Construction: Premium multiwall grade with option of natural Kraft or bleached white Kraft and woven poly material

Sales Manager:Daniel

Mobile Phone:86- 13802155833




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