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Zhejiang Zeeno Plastic Packaging Co.,Ltd. AIBot в сетиЭта беседа сгенерирована искусственным интеллектом. Перед совершением транзакции свяжитесь с производителем, чтобы подтвердить информацию.
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Back seam or circular woven design laminated to woven polypropylene fabric2023-12-19 08:36:45
Back seam or circular woven design laminated to woven polypropylene fabric

Sales Manager:Daniel

Mobile Phone:86- 13802155833




WeChat: 86-13802155833

WhatsApp: 86-13802155833


Otherwise known as laminated woven sacks. BOPP is abbreviated for Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene. BOPP is a polypropylene film that is “biaxially oriented,” meaning the film is stretched in both directions resulting in a material with superior strength at low gauges, flatness, clarity and excellent printability. Lastly, it serves as a high barrier protection. Printed BOPP bags illuminate color brilliancy offering vivid packaging that is sure to get attention- perfect for retailers!

When this water-resistant film is laminated to woven polypropylene fabric and converted to a bag form, it gives the “best of both worlds” with rugged durability and printed superior high resolution graphics.

  • Sewn open mouth style

  • Back seam or circular woven design

  • Capacity: up to 110 lbs.

  • Closure: Top or bottom with:

    • EZ open on closing tape,

    • Sewn with closing tape only, or

    • Folded bottom with no tape

  • Ink Colors: Up to 10 colors

  • Surface Finish: Matte or glossy

  • Flat or gusseted tube

  • Gusset: 2-8 inches

  • Face: 9-23 inches 

  • Tube Length: 20-50 inches

  • Perforations and micro-perforations

  • Enhanced shelf marketability

  • Durable packaging, remains looking great even when roughly handled -loved by retailers and consumers alike

  • Repels water, protects content

  • Easily transported

  • Class 5 PP recyclable